I think these guys, so far, deserve a positive post. Have a visit to Weed-Seeds.com . My god what a selection and at the time of this authoring , prices that are very reasonable if not downright cheap. Their stock list can be downloaded here in PDF format. No prices on the list but all the other info is there. Pick one you like, search the site and buy accordingly.
One critique is that the quantities they allow you to buy in per strain seems to be a bit arbitrary. Most strains they want a min of 10 seeds per strain but I saw some that would take 5 as a minimum. I spent $77 and bought 20 seeds. 10 each of Amnesia and AK47. They also included 6 bonus seeds (3ea of 2 different strains). I ordered the seeds on a Friday and got them the next Tuesday–5 days to process & ship my order.
The seeds came in little crush resistant plastic vials in labeled baggies. Close inspection of the seeds yielded no cracked or chipped seeds. All had that nice “plumpness” with good coloring and leopard spots here & there.
I took 2 of the Amnesia and germinated those first. 48 hours in a moist paper towel & both have popped a tail. I’ll report further on the AK47’s and will also sprout 1 each of the freebie bonus seeds for an attempt at 6 seeds out of the 26 received.–Stay tuned. Getting them to sprout and break soil is half the battle. Once they are established & shin-high its all on the caretaker.
The article featured picture was from one of the other Co-Op farmers so that makes 2 of us that have gotten quick shipments from weed-seeds.com
UPDATE 2/4/2022 : all 4 test seeds (2 amnesia & 2 AK47) have germinated & “popped a tail” in the moist paper towel dish. So all were a “showing” in 48 hours. After work today I will plant them in starter peat pots and see if they have good seed energy to get up & out of the soil.