More legalities to ponder–possible “gotcha” for the med card holders…
One of my favorite things to do is to stop & think along the lines of, “how can I get screwed by what I’m about to do…”. I was thinking of getting a med card for the legal protection etc , but then I turned it over in my mind and found an angle that was verified with the med card license folks.
Here in Az we have TWO laws affecting access to MJ. The recent Prop 207 and the 2010 medical law. The 2010 law allowed cardholders to buy weed at dispensaries and grow it IF THEY LIVE MORE THAN 25 MILES FROM A DISPENSARY.–yeah, emphasis added. Prop 207 allows you to grow between 6-12 plants depending on adults residing and you can be next door to a dispensary.
The ORIGINAL WORDING and 2010 law was NOT amended or altered by prop 207. If you have a card and you are stating you are a MED user (with the legal protections & sales tax breaks) you cannot grow if you live within 25 miles of a dispensary. That stipulation still stands. I’ve verified it with the state board & I’m sure there will be a test case for some poor sucker who has a card and is smack dab in the city surrounded by dispensaries and the cops question his grow.
The gal at the state board said that they get a couple of inquiries a week from people asking if they can do the personal rec grow AND their med to double down on the quantity–no. You cannot combine the laws or ignore the parts you don’t like. 2 different sets of users and the laws are applied differently according to the letter of those laws. Med card users have to play by those rules since they opted for the card.
I checked my house on google maps and there is a dispensary 11 miles from me–not getting a card
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