• Wed. Oct 9th, 2024


Growing Pot where it's Hot

Seed self-sufficiency


Jun 8, 2022

As most of you have surmised, looking at previous posts, there is no real guarantee on seed outcomes. Some vendors will stand by their product and others will not. I have seen some wild fluctuations in prices too.

Last year I purchased some “regular” seeds . These are not genetically or chemically modified to be female. Crap shoot.  I took 2 and one turned male. I left it in the greenhouse under a cover with a few feminized photo period plants so as to breed “seed stock”. Apparently a few plants got pollinated and I have a few new strains of AK47, Critical Mass, Purple Amnesia mixed with some classic afghani.

From one relatively small bud I have 16 seeds. This would have cost me maybe $85 from a seed seller.  As more states legalize we can likely expect some big fluctuations in seed prices as supply & demand slide around.

Here is the small jar of seeds from my breeding season. 17g and there are 80 seeds to a gram. About 1350 seeds

Homegrown seeds

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