Silver Thiosulfate for feminized “flips”

4oz silver thiosulfate spray $15

Feminized seeds are made by treating a new female with a solution of silver thiosulfate. I pick 1-2 areas where I juuuuust see the first white hairs that denote a female plant. Spray 1-2 squirts once every day for a couple of weeks normally does the trick.

The plant will look stressed where you’ve sprayed it–this is normal and the stressing is what causes  the production of the pollen sacs

bud treated with silver thio. The pollen sacks are forming




Untreated bud on same plant

The sacs start to fill with pollen, but its all female pollen  that makes all female seeds
















4oz bottle of ready to use spray  $15 includes shipping

Keep refrigerated upon delivery–shelf life refrigerated is 3-4 months. 30-45 days room temp.

Silver thiosulfate is an oxidizer. It may stain some environmental surfaces with black specks from any overspray. Its best to spray in a controlled area & wipe down any painted surfaces it may have contacted.

This is a botanical product for agricultural uses. While there are some applications of silver solutions for first aid/antiseptic treatments for burns & scrapes, this is not an approved use of this product.

Colloidal Silver can also be used and there are some pros & cons:

Pros: You can make your own silver solution generator from 2 strips of .999 fine silver, alligator clips and a pickle jar, tubing, wiring, dc adapter and aquarium air pump. Use distilled water and the silver is stripped into solution via electrolysis.

The drawback or Con to Colloidal Silver is that it’s slower to flip the plant. You are spraying more for a longer period of time. The further the plant is into flowering the harder it is to make that U-Turn. Remember this: Flipping female pollen is trying to get it to do something it normally doesn’t–we are “bucking” nature. The quicker the better in this instance.

By admin

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